
“‘We have to be able to grow up. Our wrinkles are our medals of the passage of life. They are what we have been through and who we want to be’ Lauren Hutton

Sireli Hintliyantziner,

A Hintliyantzi has many medals meaning wrinkles developed along the way.

Starting age 5 we had to learn 2 languages at the same time.

Starting age 9, we had to learn the 3rd one, a European language, French which served many of you all your life – as I read in many paragraphs – even if you haven’t studied French in junior or high school. In that tiny school of only 5 classes plus mangabardez we were inundated with so much knowledge, it’s mind boggling …. today with all the technology and resources, I doubt if an elementary school has as much impact as Hintliyan Nor Tibrots had on each of us. I salute himnatirner Hintliyan brothers and Oryort Terziyan and all teachers, I bow in front of their dear memories, I also thank our parents who have made that choice and have sent us to this school, may GOD bless their souls, vartzgernit gadar.


A.Z., January 2013

“Hintliyan Facebook grubundaki sohbetleri okumayanlar icin asagidakini buraya tasidim:

—Arsham’in gazete konusunu hatirlayan varsa hatirlayanda mutlaka bir nusha da vardir, arkadaslar pandora kutularimizi acalim, birkac konu daha* birkac kisi adzu dedi, adzularin onunde cekilmis resim var mi kimsede? pandoralara bakalim, saniyorum 4. sinifin adzusunun portatif nefti bahce kapisi vardi , ustunde sari renkte Cennet Bahcesi yazili, hanteslerde bu kapiyi sahne dekoru olarak da kullandik, ayrica Cennet Bahcesinin nerde oldugunu (bugun yerinde yeller esiyor ama) hatirlayan var mi?

* yilsonunda hantesden baska bir de sergimiz olurdu, mangabardezin bulundugu salon ve hantes salonu “tzutzahantes” salonu olurdu ve ustune oryortlarimizin el yazilari ile etiketleri toplu igne ile tutturduklari “elemegi goznuru tzerakordzlari” yemekhanenin masalari ortulerle ortulup “hoyagab kordzer” ortaya serilirdi, ben ashagerduhi olarak kendime duseni etamin, rafya, cuha v.s. o sene ne yapmamiz gerekiyorsa yapmis olurdum ama aklim erkeklerin decoupage’inda olurdu, rahmetli Mateosun tel testere ile ince ince calismasi gozumun onunde su an, kiz/erkek ayrimi yapilmasina ilk o zamanlar isyan etmistim sanirim. Gilbert ve Serge Hamamciyan’in decoupage eserleri ise onlarin evine her gittigimde duvarda asili, gozumu alamadigim nesnelerdendi. Erkekler!! var mi bu yasiniza kadar sakladiginiz decoupage bir isiniz ? evet ise mest olurum bir resmini post ederseniz … asiri duygusallastiysam affola … serov mInak”

A.Z., 2013

Let’s Talk

“I am sure that most Hintlliyantzis graduated between 1950 and 1960s remember Mart Yeghar test. Oryort Terziyan placed a piece of chocolate or lokum on each student’s desk. The ones who didn’t eat their candy by the afternoon were recognized as Mart Yeghar and they proved their willpower. I remember this while I was watching a program on TV, a mention about “Marshmallow Test” draw my attention. This test consist of placing a piece of marshmallow on the desk of each student and promising them that they will receive a second piece if they don’t eat the first one during 15 minutes period. Finding this test similar to our”Mart Yeghar”, I wanted to have more details about it. I found out that this test was conducted by Professor Walter Mischael at Stanford University in late 1960s and early 1970s; then in follow-up studies, the researchers found out that the children who were able to wait longer tended to have better life outcomes. We should be proud that we had Baron Hintliyan and teachers who were decades ahead of their time.”

Lilian Yeniyorgan Iskanian, 2018

“Starts the 2nd month of 2016. 4 months have gone by since we came back from our unforgettable HAYASDAN trip. We have reminisced since then, here and there, on the phone or on this page or on personal e mails and exchanged emotional memories. Today, I would like to open a conversation platform on how to continue working on our bond we established by visiting the new generation Hintliyan school in Gayan Avan and reinstate the ties that have been established since the 1st, 2nd or 3rd visits of our sisters and brothers – Berc Araz/Armine Araz, teacher Anahid Evrensel, Tamar Malhas, Charlotte Setyan, Levon Antreasyan, Hagop Demirci Demirdjian, Biosyan Sheshedian Hilda, Hilda Kecyan, Talin Koseyan, Hilda Hilda Hildoosh/and husband, Rita Takvorian, Krikor Geyoghlian, ……..

Each time I speak to an attendee of the 2013 Barahantes of Istanbul or 2014 Barahantes of Los Angeles I am asked this question: “When will you organize another event????”

Well, since we are spread all over the world – all the way to Australia – it’s impossible to organize events with a considerable number of people, so as a member of the organizing committee I’d rather ask communities to work in their own corners and achieve goals that they would set up with their own available resources. I will start with our dear friends in Istanbul, those who were with us in Hayasdan

KUYUMCIYANS, Arto Tekyıldız and those who were with us at the Barahantes /// again Alin Kuyumciyan, Arto Tekyıldız ….. and Raffi Keskin, Raffi Portakal, Alin Zilman, Alin Kapamaciyan Özsahakyan, Alin Seta Kürkçiyan Papazoğlu, Talin Varteresian Boyacıoğlu, Talin Tahmisoglu Gögdemir, Tamar Gurdikyan, Belinda Oksen, Roy Oksen, Yasmin Iris Yağlıyan, Hilda Kecyan, Ani Kahveci, Ida Jamgocyan Kahraman, Arto Tahmisoğlu, Arto Harutyun Çilingir, Annik Avakoğlu Çilingir, Linda Kuyumcuyan, Linda Nazar, Linda Artaryan, Melik Artar Raffi Kayaer, Raji Kayaer, Dayk Miricanyan, Lusi Miricanyan Sirinoglu.

What would you like to do to brighten the lives of the new generation trying to step into the society in this remote part of Armenia, literally at the border? How about adopting or sponsoring a chess champion? A math prodigy? A science prodigy? A duduk virtuoso? A teacher who is working on her master’s degree?

LET’S TALK ……. communication is the key!!!!!!!!”

A.Z., February 2016